Donate Now

All donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia

Every dollar you donate goes towards building bright futures for Aboriginal families and young people.

Keen to become a regular giver to KARI Foundation?
Or would you like to make a one-off donation?
Donate via GiveGet and earn points to unlock discounts and savings with Australian Retailers.
Donate via GiveNow

Gifts in Wills

Have you considered leaving a gift in your will to a charity like the KARI Foundation? Any donation, big or small, will continue building generations of bright futures for Aboriginal families and young people. If you would like more information contact us at or on (02) 8782 0300.

In-kind donations

Depending on the time of year and what programs we have running, KARI Foundation accepts a wide range of donated goods. We also accept in-kind donations to be used at our fundraising events. Contact us at or on (02) 8782 0300.

Community Fundraising for KARI Foundation

Is your school, workplace or community group fundraising for the KARI Foundation? We would love to hear from you! Contact or on (02) 8782 0300 to let us know about your campaign!
