September 2019 marked twenty years of service delivery for KARI. Today what was once formerly KARI Aboriginal Resources Incorporated is now two completely separate companies. KARI Ltd has grown to be the largest Aboriginal Child Protection Service in the country and since its inception, KARI Foundation has grown from strength to strength expanding our operational reach to include programs in regional NSW and interstate.
I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge the people who have supported us on our journey. We have many likeminded partners who, collaboratively want to create innovative and culturally driven programs that strengthen capacity in Aboriginal children, families and communities. These partnerships provide the platform to build a stronger and more united community for the future. To our partners I thank you for your on-going support and commitment.
To the Aboriginal community, the brothers, sisters, aunties and uncles who have embraced us and who day in and day out guide us on our journey we hope we have served you well. Our aim is that one day there will be no need to talk about closing the gap and that instead the focus will be on recognising the many strengths that already exist in our people and our culture.
To the wider community, thank you for walking alongside us in an effort to make a more united Australia.
I want to take a moment to acknowledge the contributions of our Co Founders Paul and Cheryl Ralph. You had a dream and that dream grew into a much bigger reality because of your tireless dedication, sacrifice and hard work. Because of you, we are what we are today. Because of you, things are changing for the better.
As we celebrate how far we have travelled in these past twenty years, I remain focused on what’s ahead of us because it’s exciting, challenging and loaded with opportunities.
This month we highlight programs in the Creative Arts and Cultural pillars, across KARI Limited and KARI Foundation respectively.
Delegates from both our Clinic and Cultural Unit presented at the 8th Annual SNAICC (Secretariat of National Aboriginal & Islander Child Care) National Conference; quite an achievement for both teams’ submissions to be selected this year.
September also started the end of year celebrations off early with our annual Carer Awards Event recognising the hard work and tireless efforts of many of our carers.
As we move towards the busy end of the year I look forward to reporting the new and exciting things we design and deliver together.
Casey Ralph