Our partners at ISPT have invested an additional $5,000 in the KARI Scholarship Program, with the organisation currently funding 20 student places.
This support will help Aboriginal students who have the potential to succeed but are lacking motivation and engagement. The funding will also support students whose life outside of school may be affecting their educational outcomes and who will greatly benefit from external mentoring.
This funding from ISPT will support 20 scholarship holders to complete high school. The funding will also help the scholarship holders to move onto further studies or obtain employment.
It is our aim that programs such as this will assist in closing the gap between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal educational and employment outcomes.
Often the barriers facing Aboriginal youth attending high school are easily overcome by financial support, which can be the difference between these students finishing school and dropping out completely.
Before participating in the KARI Scholarship Program, many youth reported that they weren’t attending school. This is because they did not have the right supplies or appropriate uniform and had been sent home. They also reported that they were unable to attend school excursions with their peers which can lead to isolation.
With the Scholarship Program students are able to purchase necessary items including but not limited to:
- School fees
- Compulsory uniforms including shoes
- Stationery
- School excursions (i.e. being able to attend a school camp)
The national average of Indigenous HSC obtainment sits at just under 60%. At KARI we continue to see fantastic outcomes, with:
- 90% of scholarship holders finishing their HSC
- 75 % of those students pursuing higher education.