KARI has recently come together with the Reiby Juvenile Justice Support Centre to provide workshops for individuals aged 16 and over. Members of the Community Programs, EIPP and Lead with Culture teams, as well as KARI Ambassador Beau Champion, will visit the centre once a week to provide a 3 phased program, each phase running for forty minutes, with time for the young people to move around to the next phase.
The 3 phases include:
- Physical Activity – Participants will be involved in working out and playing sport, whilst simultaneously learning how to regulate their emotions/behaviour with physical activity.
- Creative & Performing Arts – Participants will be able to express themselves in creative ways with a variety of different creative and performing arts activities.
- Yarning Circle – Participants will have the opportunity to speak to the team about options post release, whether it be school, employment, assisted housing etc. This activity provides a safe space for participants to express their feelings and concerns regarding their release.
As a part of this program, KARI would also like to offer our staff for court support to these individuals, as well as support post release, in order for these young people to take steps in the right direction. Working together with the Reiby Juvenile Justice Centre will provide these young people avenues of support they may not have had before.
For more information on the Reiby Juvenile Justice Support Centre, click here.