Amidst current events, KARI Limited would like to share some exciting news with our valued corporate partners!
We are pleased to announce KARI Limited have successfully been approved as a designated agency authorised to provide statutory children’s services until 2025. This accreditation renewal ensures we can continue to deliver exceptional service and results well into the future.
The Office of the Children’s Guardian (OCG) is an independent government agency with oversight of children’s welfare services. They work with agencies to scrutinise operations and identify areas for improvement. In September 2019 KARI Limited commenced the reaccreditation process and welcomed a series of audits evaluating our service delivery. This process enabled us to reflect on best-practice and ensure our work meets and exceeds the standards set by the regulatory body promoting children’s interests.
It is with great pleasure that we advise feedback was overwhelmingly positive and many of KARI Limited’s programs continue to be sector leading. This result cements KARI as a leader in Aboriginal service delivery and is testament to the hard work of our teams at every level of the business. KARI can confidently say that our services promote and protect children’s best interests.
KARI Limited will now be recognised as a designated children’s agency with a commitment to child-safety. This status enables us to grow and expand our programs to be responsive to the needs of Aboriginal children and communities.
We as an agency are excited and optimistic about the opportunity this presents in the coming years. We remain committed to always striving for quality improvement and will always welcome opportunities to evaluate the programs we deliver.
Jake Wilson
Regional PSP Manager, Out of Home Care