Mates Puzzles is an art program designed and created by renowned Indigenous artist, Danielle Mate Sullivan. Danielle Mate has been creating Indigenous artworks for many years and is now using her expertise along with her pride in culture to deliver a program that allows Indigenous youth to explore their creativity.
Mates Puzzles is a concept that involves each participant receiving their very own intricately designed puzzle piece. The blank canvas itself is a specially designed piece that includes elements that represent the future, as well as receiving information from others and sharing your own story. The piece itself is supposed to reflect what you believe are the most important aspects of your life, with the centre of the puzzle piece representing what you believe is the centre of your life.
This concept was created to assist Indigenous youth, and anyone for that matter, in finding a place where they belong. No matter where they go, their puzzle piece will fit with another, allowing them to feel a sense of belonging.
A number of teams have had the opportunity to be facilitator trained by Danielle herself which will allow us to deliver this program to a wide variety of community groups, schools, and programs within KARI Limited.