A message from KARI Founder Paul Ralph

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  5. A message from KARI Founder Paul Ralph

It means a lot to me and my colleagues at KARI to see Australia’s professional class of high-achieving Aboriginal doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, business managers and entrepreneurs growing every day. These people are quietly getting on with changing their own lives and transforming their industries and communities. They’re setting proud examples and making an important contribution to Australian life and culture.

KARI is an innovative and successful Aboriginal enterprise and we’ve come a long way in the last two decades. Our commitment to a better future for all Aboriginal children, families and communities is at the centre of everything we do. The KARI Leadership Program is fundamental to achieving this positive change. By sharing the very latest knowledge, tools and practices in leadership with Aboriginal leaders from all sectors, we’re supporting them on their path. And they’ll have the added guidance of a trusted cohort to walk beside them on the journey.

We welcome Aboriginal leaders, and leaders who are serving Aboriginal communities, to step out on this journey with us and make an even bigger difference.
