The KARI House is an exciting new project for the organisation. This brand new program will assist young people in our care as they prepare to transition out of the service. It will provide them with essential life skills and access to important resources.
What is it?
The KARI House will offer supported accommodation and life education services to young adults who are about to leave foster care and live independently. The house will also provide support for emergency placements for existing children in care.
What’s the need?
Statistics from numerous studies show that young adults leaving care are at very high risk of becoming homeless. By intervening in their transition to life as an independent young adult, KARI can make a huge difference to opportunities and outcomes for this high-risk group. By providing our young people with extra support, education and skills through our Leaving Care Program, KARI is already making a significant commitment to safeguarding each generation of KARI foster care service users against future problems with social isolation, destitution and delinquency.
What’s the program?
The Leaving Care Program at the KARI House will focus on young people getting and keeping a job, apprenticeship or a place on a training or higher education course. Program participants who are living at the KARI House will have additional support from the residential team as they face the challenges and opportunities of life after leaving school. Each person will be placed at the KARI house for a period of three to 12 months, depending on his or her individual needs. They will be monitored and supported by KARI staff who will enable them to take on responsibility for their own shopping, cooking, budgeting, cleaning, home maintenance and transport through a combination of informal mentoring and formal skills training.