KARI decided to order some goodie bags through Good360 as a surprise for the young adolescents in our Leaving Care Program.
Good360 provide Australian not for profits with free brand new goods. These goods range from brand new clothes to entertainment systems as well as workwear and furniture.
The gifts were for our young people in the Leaving Care Program, who are aged from 15 – 18 years.
The goodies bags were taken out to these young people during their home visits. As the gifts were unexpected, it was wonderful to see how excited they all were. The group were very appreciative and their positivity shone through.
Gestures like this are greater than just giving these youth a present.
One of the young people in the group had just aged out of care and was worried about his next steps.
After receiving the bag, he expressed to KARI’s Leaving Care Coordinator later on that he was extremely grateful for the bag and that it had made his week.
Thanks to the team at Good360 for making it possible for us to give these young people something extra special. Small gestures like this make the world of difference.