KARI has recently launched a new branch of the organisation – The KARI Foundation.
We sat down with KARI CEO Paul Ralph to get the inside scoop on the Foundation’s purpose and the work that will be done through this new initiative.
Q. Paul can you tell me about the structure of the KARI Foundation?
A. The KARI Foundation is made up of four main streams:
- Education
- Child and Family
- Business Enterprise
- Community Development
Q. Why was the Foundation established?
A. The Foundation was established for two primary reasons:
- To address gaps in funding not appropriately covered by the Government
- To allow KARI to invest in short as well as long-term early intervention initiatives.
Q. What do you hope will be achieved with the Foundation?
A. The aim of the Foundation is to make a real and positive change for our community.
We aim to showcase as well as highlight how positive Indigenous Australia is. We will also be demonstrating the great value Aboriginal Australia brings to this country. The Foundation will evolve to meet the changings needs of the community and we will invest where the real change is due to occur.
Q. What is the importance and significance of the KARI Foundation?
A. The Foundation will be led by people who have the passion, commitment as well as understanding about what is required to see Aboriginal people flourish in the future.
It will address the inequality that currently exist between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians. This will be done through programs as well as initiatives that are meaningful and actually work.
We want to be innovative in showcasing Aboriginal culture as well as our community’s success stories. KARI don’t want to be dictated by those who have failed us in the past.
We want to work together with like-minded people, groups and businesses to achieve our goals.